3105 PALMYRA ROAD, HANNIBAL MO 63401 | PHONE: 573-221-1166
Stay informed and prepared with Marion County Health Department's emergency guidelines. Be ready for boil orders and power outages by knowing what steps to take to ensure your safety and well-being.
Stay safe and healthy during a boil order with these simple tips from Marion County Health Department. Remember to boil water for at least one minute before using it for cooking or drinking. Practice proper food prep safety by washing fruits and vegetables with boiled water. And don't forget to wash your hands thoroughly with soap and boiled water to prevent the spread of harmful bacteria.
During a boil water order, water may serve as a source of contamination for food, food equipment, utensils and hands.
Therefore the following is guidance for food establishments to follow when a boil water order is issued:
Wash your hands for at least 20 seconds under running water with soap, followed by drying with paper towels or approved air-drying device and subsequent application of a hand sanitizer. Hand sanitizers are not a substitute for proper handwashing.
Ice machines that are directly connected to the water system must not be used. Shut the machine down and leave the unit off until the water supply is declared acceptable for use. Discard ice that may have been made from or exposed to contaminated water. Once the boil order is lifted run 3 batches of ice through the unit, discard that ice, clean and sanitize the ice bin, and start using the fourth batch of ice.
Preparation and cooking requiring water, including and reconstitution of liquid concentrates and dried foods
Carbonated and other beverages
Coffee Machines
Utensils and food contact equipment
After the boil water order is lifted
Power Outage
During a prolonged power outage, the Marion County Health Department emphasizes the urgency of properly storing food items that require refrigeration. Without power, refrigerators and freezers can only keep food at a safe temperature for a limited time, posing potential health risks to the community. Stay informed and take necessary precautions to protect your health.
As the owner or operator of a food establishment, you are responsible for maintaining your products in a wholesome condition. You are also responsible for ensuring that temperature-abused, or otherwise adulterated food products are not passed on (sold, traded or given) to consumers as their consumption can lead to outbreaks of serious foodborne illnesses.
If electricity has not yet been restored to your establishment and you have been unable to make alternate arrangements for the storage of your refrigerated, potentially hazardous food products, the following guidelines shall be adhered to:
By adhering to the above stipulations, you can prevent serious illnesses from occurring, as well as protect yourself and your business from potential legal liabilities. You should keep an inventory of all discarded products for insurance purposes. Consult with your insurance carrier regarding specific requirements.
Remember that this is your responsibility. Health department staff members or our authorized representatives will be conducting checks of establishments to ensure compliance with food code regulations.
PO Box 1378
3105 Palmyra Rd.
Hannibal, MO
Phone: (573) 221-1166
Fax: (573) 221-1214